Friday, December 14, 2018

thanks giving

 my favorite parts of thanks giving 

 I like the crambarrys and m most favorite part is family,fun,food and the games that you do sometimes like pin the tail to the chicken.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


hello my name is jack and i am going to tell you my favorite parts of cristmas .My first favorite one is presents because you ever know what you will get. My second favorite part is getting more presents and having your hole family to gather and eating and have more fun. Thanks for reading if you want more ask.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Hi my name Is Jack I’m going to tell you about my future. First I want to be a Youtuber. Then i’m going to live in a mansion with my friends Mikey, Helen, myself Jack. We all would play. Minecraft, Roblox ,Creative Destruction and maybe Fortnite. We would all agree to focus on School and then we would make A youtube channel. If you like my future and want more just ask me.